Begin to unload your pressures

The vast majority of us would like to have positive improvement in our work, financial circumstances and personal lives. Life stresses and upsets knock us off track and can really keep us stuck.

This is a safe confidential venue. Gain helpful guidance, insight and support. Overcome confusion, obstacles, and motivation blocks.


Real TRANSFORMATION takes a shift in perspective, consistent actions, and adapting to circumstances. Learn to employ new foundational principles from which to make decisions and take actions. If you’re like most of us, you need to change incrementally to enjoy sustainable success.


We all have blind spots or areas where our ability to see and observe ourselves accurately is clouded by lack of experience, tiredness, personal issues and functioning under too much pressure.

Begin to unload your pressures through looking at what’s not working and what to change with someone who has the experience and knowledge to help you see more accurately and effectively.


Make improvements in your circumstances by practicing a fundamental shift in attitude and behavior toward yourself, to others and some of the important things you do.

By working with an expert you can gain clarity, come to grips with making important internal decisions, and begin to make immediate progress.


A good friend of mine referred me to Coach Travis Young as a caring, compassionate, and insightful professional. I found this to be completely accurate.

The most important aspect of our work together is how he guides me to avoid the insidious trap of negative perceptions and beliefs, even in the face of tough challenges. This leads to a more encouraging perspective and the genuine acknowledgement that obstacles can become opportunities.

He possesses a keen ability to listen to and consider present aspects of my career, finances, and personal life with clarity and how my desire for positive change is impacted by old or outdated historical impediments. Together, we review what is happening in my professional and personal endeavors, what is working and what is not working. We discover and discuss what to do, not do and what underlying principles need to be applied to formulate better choices and result in better outcomes.

I am glad he is in my corner.

Andrew W, Attorney-at-Law

My career was in crisis when a colleague recommended Travis. I was past age 50 and needed badly to redirect my career and stabilize my income. Consulting with Travis helped me play to my strengths and keep the negativism at bay while navigating some difficult circumstances. Small, iterative steps have combined with a few go-for-it moments to lead me where I am today: thrilled with my work, and at a level of financial stability I had stopped believing was possible.

I’ve found Travis to be astute about integrating personal and professional issues, not only for a better “work/life balance” but for aligning strengths and coping w/ challenges. He’s not a magician: He listens, questions, evaluates…and then helps to formulate realistic plans. I don’t feel like I’m on a pre-programmed approach with Travis. He considers my evolving experience and shapes recommendations based on what he understands to be in my best interest.

— Rich M., Associate Director of Senate Presidents’ Forum

Transforming Troubles into Triumph