• Be in movement

    Be in movement

    We need Inspiration, Motivation, or a great idea to move ourselves forward in our lives!
    Wrong! So, very WRONG!

    While those elements of achievement may be important to some degree, no amount of initiative or action-taking can result in achieving success with a specific goal or direction. If determination, hard work and massive action taking simply worked, then we would have had a President Hillary Clinton, instead of President Barack Obama.

    No amount of effort, intelligence and single-mindedness of purpose guarantees success. Even if outer success and achievement result from our activities, it does not mean reaching a goal or accomplishing something leads to feelings of satisfaction and self-worth.

    We only need to look at the number of wealthy, successful and famous people who have self-destructed, including taking their own lives.

    So, what’s the point of trying to move positively forward if our efforts may not have both desired outer and inner positive experiences?

    We must “be in movement” toward some objective to learn how to accomplish new things and how those accomplishments fit into a better existence for ourselves. Therefore, achievement, for its own sake, while praise-worthy can often be fleeting or unfulfilling. To be lasting, desired results must include a sense of gratification and well-being or we stagnate and suffer.
    We can enjoy those positive inner experiences also, with help.


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