Professional Services

Deal effectively with relationships at work, home, and navigating personal finances. Employ better principles, practices, and actions toward reducing stress and achieving goals.
Ease uncertainty, ambivalence and confusion with decision making and vital changes.

Workplace Stress Reduction

Addressing issues with a demanding workload, difficult/dysfunctional personalities, inadequate support, or ineffective systems. What changes can you make?

Small Business/Department Management

Dealing with employee problems, handling financial decisions, organizing priorities, implementing better practices in a challenging environment. Are you chronically behind?

Career/Job Change or Professional Transition

Reasoning out where you should go, what you should do and what to look for in a new situation. Developing a contact approach that best represents you. Weathering the job-hunting process (It ain’t easy!). Are you uncertain about how to move forward effectively?

Overcoming Personal Financial Overwhelm

Helping you deal with vagueness around finances, money and family stress, overspending, under-earning, preparing for the future. Is there routine anxiety or upset about your present or long term money situation?

Snapshot Questionnaire

Answer these questions and send it to be contacted for a confidential, no-charge consultation.

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