• Stop trying to figure everything out and doing everything by yourself!

    Even if you are someone who regularly uses any kind of support mechanism, rarely is there enough of a shift to maintain the new idea, new actions, new results over time.

    We ALL have blind spots or areas where our ability to see and observe ourselves accurately is clouded by lack of experience, tiredness, personal issues and functioning under too much pressure. Our perceptions, instincts and intuitions can be confused under duress. That’s why Presidents, Captains of Industry, and even the Dalai Lama have advisors. Humans cannot see everything through an individual point of view.

    To grasp the idea that no one grows or achieves success by themselves, there is a simple and pointed analogy to be drawn. A wise dentist does not try to drill her own teeth.

    If things are working well through your own intellect, reasoning and insights alone, please teach the rest of us how to do that! You’ll make trillions!

    Otherwise, you can begin to unload the pressures through looking at what’s not working and what to change with someone who has the experience and knowledge to help you see more accurately and effectively!

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