Thoughtful, moderate, consistent action = positive transformation over time
Of course, the vast majority of us would like to have positive improvement in our work life, financial circumstances, health and personal relationships. We may even have specific actions or an overall plan to make those changes.
This is evidenced by the billions of dollars yearly spent on coaching modules for work/business, financial wealth generation seminars, weight loss programs and individual/group therapy, and thousands of rehabs; not to mention hundreds of thousands of recovery groups.
Many of these options certainly can be useful to solve issues and move forward; yet, they are seldom enough to secure LASTING improvement. Only a small percentage of us can take these plans and keep implementing a way that can consistently be followed over a long period of time. There are too many life stresses and upsets that knock us off track. Add issues with self-esteem, fears of failure and success, health challenges and more, can really keep us stuck or only move us so far after what may be initial progress.
Real TRANSFORMATION takes a shift (not wholesale change) in perspective, actions and adapting to circumstances over time. We need to be RE-Trained by learning new foundations (principles) from which to make decisions and take actions. Only then can lasting improvement be a reality.
The GOOD NEWS IS: there is no need to do that alone. Under stress, it is almost impossible to keep that up consistently without a knowledge base and support system that helps us through obstacles, starts and stops and periods of lack of motivation.
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